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Literature | Просмотров: 5060 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 31.12.2013



В статье рассказывается о философии Сократа

 Socrates occupies a foundational place in the world history. However in spite of this fact, he left no notes after him (Socrates). His ideas became known only due to the notes of his students. Among these works Plato’s "The Apology” occupies an outstanding place. It he whom we are obliged for almost everything we know about Socrates today. 

Socrates spoke of God this way: he did not know whether he existed or not, but knew that his thoughts were all over around them. Soul and consciousness are primary for him, nature is secondary. He considered that if a person knew his own soul, it would help to know God and to approach him. Human reasonabless is the major proof of God’s existence.

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Philosophy | Просмотров: 1017 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Socrates and Protagoras about virtue


Статья посвящена размышлениям Сократа и Протагора о добродетели    

 Two great philosophers Socrates and Protagoras are outstanding figures that belong to the Ancient classical period. Both of them spoke a lot about virtue, its essence and properties. Protagoras mentions virtue in the general sense of the word, besides he enumerates separate virtues such as justice, good sense and piety. Socrates defines virtue as knowledge. Socrates pays a lot of attention to the essence and the origin of some virtues. He rises a question: "Is it possible to consider that virtue in general is an entity and justice, good sense and piety are its constituent parts? Or are they different definitions of one and the same quality?”.

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Philosophy | Просмотров: 791 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Anthropomorphism plays a fundamental role

in humans understanding of animate nature

Фрагмент статьи посвящён изучению проявления антропоморфизма 

на материале рассказа "Wild Animals I Have Known”

канадского писателя Эрнеста Томпсона Сетона

     Anthropomorphism is the phenomenon that is based on the endowment of all animals, plants, natural phenomena with human features and qualities. Anthropomorphism presupposes that animals have psychological features and capabilities that are inherent in people only. These ideas are not proved scientifically and are seriously debated among scientists and other pragmatic people and exclude everything that cannot be scientifically explained. The scientific point of view is that animals are inanimate beings that cannot behave like people and feel the same. Animals cannot have emotions and psychological feelings and experience of this character. But people who adore animals usually disagree with those pragmatists. They claim that if something cannot be explained from the scientific point of view that does not mean that animals cannot feel emotional pain.

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Literature | Просмотров: 1109 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 10.01.2012

The Death Penalty

Фрагмент статьи посвящён вопросу о смертной казни

     The death penalty is the deprivation of life resolved by the law as a punishment (usually for especially grave crimes). In the developed countries the death penalty is usually preceded by trials because the defendant has the right to lodge an appeal. It often results in long period between the sentence and the serving of the sentence. Sometimes years and even decades can pass. This happened in the USA to Jack Alderman who was sentenced to death for the murder of the wife on June, 14th, 1975 at the age of 24 years, and was executed only on September, 16th, 2008 at the age of 57 years, more than 33 years later.

     In the majority of the modern states the death penalty is carried out non-publicly, so that only persons permitted by law can be present during the process.

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Philosophy | Просмотров: 1254 | Добавил: ProWriter | Дата: 05.01.2012


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