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Literature | Просмотров: 5058 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 31.12.2013

Literary Analysis of ‘A Doll’s House’ is a drama by Henrik Ibsen


Литературный анализ романа «Кукольный дом» Генриха Ибсена

‘A Doll’s House’ is a drama by Henrik Ibsen. Many ideas about marriage and relations between a wife and a husband Ibsen described from his own experience. Thus, he believed that both spouses should live as equals. They must remain free to become their own individual human beings. This belief of H. Ibsen is clearly seen in ‘A Doll’s House’.  Consequently H. Ibsen was strongly criticized for the disrespect for the institution of marriage that he expressed in ‘A Dolls’ House’. His intention was to stir up the stagnant Norwegian society with sensitive social issues. Some people frowned at his work and at his ideas.

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Literature | Просмотров: 2503 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Literary analysis of Tom Joad,

the main character of "The Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck.


Литературный анализ персонажа Тома Джоуда –

главного героя романа Джона Стейнбека «Гроздья гнева»

 Tom Joad is the main character of the novel "The Grapes of Wrath” written by John Steinbeck. This character undergoes various changes in the course of his difficult, strenuous and tense life. Tom Joad is a real embodiment of a person who was politicized after facing the unfairness and injustice towards himself and towards other people who surrounded him. The novel "The Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck narrates about the life story of a man. Tom Joad lived with his family in Oklahoma and later moved to California. All those changes and events happened during the harsh period of the Great Depression which was extremely difficult for American people of all social layers, especially for those who were not very rich. The book starts from description of Tom Joad who just returned from prison. Tom came back to his family farm but soon the whole family was forced to move away from the farm due to harsh conditions such as economic turmoil. As a result of this, Tom broke his parole and decided to help his family.

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Literature | Просмотров: 849 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Literary analysis of "Sister Carrie” by Theodore Dreiser

Литературный анализ романа «Сестра Керри» Теодора Драйзера

 Theodor Dreiser wrote his novel "Sister Carrie” in 1900. This novel became a very successful debut of him. Besides he laid down all the major themes that were also reflected in his following novels. 

"Sister Carrie” was called the typical American novel. The main characters and their stories illustrated the influence that the changes in the economic situation in the country made upon American society and culture. Caroline Meeber is one of the thousands of men and women who were seeking for any job in hard economic situation caused by the economic boom. She is introduced into a novel in an unusual way. She has no history and we know nothing about her former life.

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Literature | Просмотров: 3301 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Gerald Manley Hopkins


В статье рассказывается о жизни и творчестве

английского поэта Джеральда Мэнли Хопкинса

 Gerald Manley Hopkins is an outstanding English poet of the 19th century, whose works cannot be overestimated. His contribution to the world’s poetry in particular and to the world’s art in general is immense and boundless. His inspiration was enriched by many things, notions and concepts. Moreover the basis for this inspiration was laid in the early childhood of the future poet. The first influence was made by his parents, who did a lot for their son’s commitment to the creative arts and to religion. Both religion and creative arts were so deeply plunged into Hopkins’ life that they never left it until the death of the poet. His mother liked books very much, so she tried to cultivate her son’s love to books, reading and literature. His father also was closely connected with the world of poetry as he wrote poems himself and studied the works of other poets as well.

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Literature | Просмотров: 905 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

"The Oresteia" by Aeschylus

Литературный анализ трагедии Эсхилла "Орестея"

    "The Oresteian Trilogy” is a masterpiece of the prominent Greek writer Aeschylus. He presented true dramatic characters in his trilogy. Clytemnestra is one of the brightest characters of "The Oresteian Trilogy”. This character is interpreted as a tool of a demon of the patrimonial damnation. She says about that herself, besides she reminds Orestes of the call of the fate when he intends to kill her. However that does not mean that Clytemnestra is an innocent agent of gods and has no will of her own. On the contrary all her actions are motivated by vital and realistic reasons. She hates her husband and her hatred is boundless. Clytemnestra motivates it by the murder of their daughter by Agamemnon and by his love affair with Cassandra. These arguments are obviously insincere. Thus, Agamemnon did not want to murder their daughter and did it only for the sake of the obedience to the will of gods. Besides love affairs could not be reproached from the point of view of the laws of the Greek morality of those times. It is evident that the reason of Clytemnestra’s hatred towards her husband originates from the other sources...

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Literature | Просмотров: 749 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

Compare and Contrast

"The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

and "The Tell-Tales Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe

Литературный анализ 

The work by Charlotte Perkins Gilman "The Yellow Wallpaper” and the work by Edgar Allan Poe "The Tell-Tale Heart” represent the genre of a short story. In literary terms both these stories look back to the tradition practiced by Edgar Allan Poe – the tradition of the psychological horror tale. Both stories are told from the point of view of an insane author who disclaims being insane and tries to persuade other people and a reader that everything is quite opposite.

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Literature | Просмотров: 1103 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

"Two billion cars: driving toward sustainability” 

by Daniel Sperling and Deborah Gordon

Book Review

Рецензия на книгу

    "Two billion cars: driving toward sustainability” by Daniel Sperling and Deborah Gordon is a book that covers a lot of important and very acute issues. This book is dedicated to cars: every page of it is filled with information that deals with nothing else, but cars only. The book covers the whole history and gives the profound overview of the global auto industry. It tells the reader the true love story of cars and its owners, reveals secrets and mysteries connected with America’s love affair with various and diverse cars. The authors of the book that describes two billion cars pay attention to serious problems that appeared as a result of human’s love and worship of the most popular vehicle for modern people. Billions of cars in the world do not only make the life of their owners comfortable and pleasant, but they also cause much harm to nature and to the entire world. These problems rose in the past decades as the number of cars increased considerably only within the last twenty years. It is mainly due to the extensive growth of China and India. As a result, the greenhouse effect became a more serious ecological problem than it used to be earlier. These problems are illuminated by the authors of the book, besides some possible decisions are suggested.

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Literature | Просмотров: 765 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 13.01.2012

"Othello" by William Shakespeare

Литературный анализ трагедии Уильяма Шекспира "Отелло"

     The plays of William Shakespeare have not lost their currency even after five centuries. This happens due to some reasons. The most important of them is that he skillfully depicted all the characters of his tragedies, not only the main ones, but minor characters as well. The character of Emilia in "Othello” is a very bright example.

     Emilia is one of the characters in "Othello” by W. Shakespeare who differs from the other characters by honesty, sincerity and fairness. She is very quiet, taciturn and even uncommunicative. When Desdemona introduces her, she emphasizes that Emilia "has no speech”. Iago confirms that idea a little bit further: "She puts her tongue a little in her heart and chides with thinking”. Emilia really does not seem to be a chatter-box. But if a woman is taciturn that means in no way that she has nothing to say. She may not want to speak much on unimportant topics but if something bothers her, Emilia is able to make a speech. When her husband Iago confirms that Desdemona was unfaithful to Othello, she burns with indignation and makes a speech in order to protect her mistress from groundless accusations.

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Literature | Просмотров: 1041 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 11.01.2012

"Looking Backward: 2000 - 1887” by Edward Bellamy

Фрагмент литературного анализа

произведения "Взгляд назад" Эдварда Беллами

     The utopian novel "Looking Backward: 2000 - 1887” was written by Edward Bellamy and first saw the world in 1888. It exited the whole world that did not expect anything of this kind. It was impossible to find anyone who did not read or even did not hear about it. It depicted the ideal society of the XX century where everyone had the opportunity to realize his or her personality and therefore was extremely happy.

     But we are the people who face this "ideal” life from Bellamy’s point of view. We have seen the century that Edward Bellamy could only imagine so we can really judge whether his ideas of the perfect society where every citizen is totally free were positive or not.

     Edward Bellamy claimed that the most positive feature of the Golden Age society, created in "Looking Backward”  is that everyone’s will and desires are not restricted as they were in his own times. But it is not that vivid if we analyze the perfect Bellamy’s society more thoroughly.

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Literature | Просмотров: 1877 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 11.01.2012

"Mrs. Dalloway" (Virginia Woolf)

Статья посвящена анализу романа

"Миссис Дэллоуэй" Вирджинии Вульф

     Virginia Woolf is one of the brightest writers of modernity. Her works are not only unique; they are also psychological, philosophical and very difficult to understand. Her works are usually treated as experimental psychological novels. It is sure to say that one of her brightest novels "Mrs Dalloway” is probably the most difficult one. It is not easy to interpret it at all. It is very difficult to analyze its composition (style, genre, rhythm) and the peculiarities of its content (theme, plot, conflict, characters, idea). Using the principal technique of her woks – the stream of consciousness, Virginia Woolf tries to imprint the process of thinking of her characters, to reproduce their slightest feelings, thoughts, emotions. It stands to reason that the writer is not interested in the real world. What she is really interested in is the interpretation of the real world in the consciousness and subconsciousness. She dismisses the real world with its problems and leaves for a better world, a world of feelings and emotional experience, rich associations and changeable senses. Virginia Woolf makes a reader enter the character’s inner world, but not study the reasons that made the character do in this or that way. That reason results in the impressionistic manner of image and style: there is no clear form, but the text abounds in fragmentary details and features.

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Literature | Просмотров: 1718 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 10.01.2012

Anthropomorphism plays a fundamental role

in humans understanding of animate nature

Фрагмент статьи посвящён изучению проявления антропоморфизма 

на материале рассказа "Wild Animals I Have Known”

канадского писателя Эрнеста Томпсона Сетона

     Anthropomorphism is the phenomenon that is based on the endowment of all animals, plants, natural phenomena with human features and qualities. Anthropomorphism presupposes that animals have psychological features and capabilities that are inherent in people only. These ideas are not proved scientifically and are seriously debated among scientists and other pragmatic people and exclude everything that cannot be scientifically explained. The scientific point of view is that animals are inanimate beings that cannot behave like people and feel the same. Animals cannot have emotions and psychological feelings and experience of this character. But people who adore animals usually disagree with those pragmatists. They claim that if something cannot be explained from the scientific point of view that does not mean that animals cannot feel emotional pain.

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Literature | Просмотров: 1109 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 10.01.2012


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