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Literature | Просмотров: 5058 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 31.12.2013

Transfer Of Knowledge In Moorish Spain


В статье рассказывается о культурном наследии средневековой Испании

What we know now about science was built up thousands of years ago. People of various civilizations and cultures made their great contribution to what is evident for us today, for the present generation. Advancements in technology and science are really spectacular but they would not have been achieved without the patient and slow pace of accumulation of knowledge and learning. We owe this accumulation of knowledge to the epochs of Ancient and Classical Greek civilizations, Roman Empire, India, China and Persia. The knowledge of the people who lived in these countries passed to the Muslims who lived in Western Asia. Many centuries later during the rare time of religious tolerance in Western European Spain that heritage of science, learning and knowledge was added to and cherished. Later it was brought into modern times from antiquity.

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History | Просмотров: 846 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Native American Traditions


В статье рассказывается о традициях коренного населения Америки

 For thousands of years Native Americans inhabited the territory of New Mexico. It was many centuries before Europeans at last reached the North and South America (Native American Culture and Heritage). The reminders of their presence from ancient times are found throughout the whole country: pit houses, whimsical cliff dwellings and wonderful kivas (underground ceremonial chambers), abandoned cities and towns along ancient trade routes, and various symbols etched in rock. Nowadays, New Mexico is the home of 22 Indian tribes, among them 19 Indian pueblos and 3 reservations. Evidently, the nice starting point is the Albuquerque area from which it is wise to explore magnificent Native American heritage.

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History | Просмотров: 969 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Abraham Lincoln


В статье рассказывается о жизни и политической деятельности Авраама Линкольна

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the Unites States of America. He became the president in 1861 and occupied this post until his assassination in 1865. During the four years of his presidency he managed to do a lot. He led the country through very severe economic crisis, through the disaster of the Civil War. He put an end to slavery.

Before Abraham Lincoln became the President of the USA, he was a lawyer, a state legislator and a member of the House of Representatives. A lot of scientists, historians and biographers made a lot of attempts to trace back in Lincoln’s biography and life the justifications of his cleverness and historical significance. Thus, Thomas and Burlingame state that ‘Without exception Lincoln’s forebears proved to be self-reliant, upright men of moderate or even comfortable means, who earned the respect of their neighbors’. He was a vehement opponent of slavery in the country. One of his greatest deeds during the presidency was the defeat of the confederate states of the USA in the Civil War. Under the measures he introduced slavery was abolished.

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History | Просмотров: 1252 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

History of football

Статья посвящена истории футбола

It may be difficult to believe but football is several hundred years old. Many people believe that England is the motherland of football. However, this fact is far from being true. There were games that resemble football in Ancient East (China, Egypt), Ancient Greece, Rome, and later in France, Italy and England. The game with the ball was more or less popular in ancient Greece in the 4th century BC. Greek people used legs and arms to play it. Later Romans adopted this game; however their variant of football was crueler and tougher. Exactly due to the Roman conquerors football became popular on the British Isles, the territory of the modern United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. The native population of the Isles (the Britons) liked the game very much. They even learned to play this game better than Romans. However, as Romans left the British Isles in the 5th century, the game left with them. Still football remained popular among the Europeans especially in Italy.

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History | Просмотров: 938 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Time capsule


Статья представляет собой описание капсулы времени

и её содержимого: лучших образцов искусства и культуры 20 века

 We, people who live in the very beginning of the 21st century greet you, the generation of the 22nd century. We sent this message to you in order to show you our life, to share our values with you and to remind of some things that were very important and valuable for us.

The 20th century was filled with different events. Some of them were terrible, sanguinary and disastrous. Other events were happy, glad and joyful. But all of them were meaningful and crucial for life of future generations.

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History | Просмотров: 1898 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

The concept of leadership

(with Prince Al-Walid bin Talal bin Abdulaziz as an example)


Статья посвящена определению лидера

на примере личности принца Аль-Валида

ибн Талала ибн Абделя Азиз ас-Сауда

 Prince Al-Walid bin Talal bin Abdulaziz was not known by many American people until the month anniversary of the attacks that took place on the September 11, 2001. In fact, he was not recognizable to many people outside the Middle East and outside the most important international business circles. Although he was not very famous he was already a successful leader who had many supporters, followers and admirers. By that time he has already done a lot: he had become the sixth richest man in the world and also invested a great part of his fortune into American Corporations. Still until October, 11, 2001 he was someone whom the Business Week called "the most important financial kingpin that you've never heard of” (Business Week). He donated $10 million to the victims of the act of terror. However the Mayor of New York Rudolph Giuliani considered the Prince’s further statement so offensive for American people that returned the donation at once. On the first sight this act was not very wise from the Al-Walid bin Talal’s side, as he might have become rather unpopular.

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History | Просмотров: 945 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

The Illuminati


В статье рассказывается о истории создания тайного общества иллюминатов

                                                             "Man is a god in the making. And as the mystic myths of

Egypt, on the potter's wheel, he is being molded.

    When his light shines out to lift and preserve all things, 

he receives the triple crown of godhood." (Hall, 1996, p. 92)


Nowadays there are a lot of speculations about the Illuminati society. The recent history showed us no other secret society except masons that originated so many rumors, guesswork, fantasies, legends and misinterpretations. People start to believe that they are manipulated or even herded like sheep by some secret society, elite of the world. In order to understand how the matrix of lies was created it is necessary to view the history of the Western civilization.

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History | Просмотров: 813 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

History of American business. Procter and Gamble

 История развития компании Procter and Gamble

 The company Procter and Gamble was founded in 1837 in Cincinnati (USA) by the Englishman William Procter and the Irishman James Gamble (Procter and Gamble - history). First the partners simply made candles and soap, distributing their production in Cincinnati. The validity and the perspective approach to the business allowed them to endure civil war, unprecedented financial, economic and political storms in the USA in the middle of the 19th century. By the end of century it was one of the most advanced American companies. 

By 1890 Procter and Gamble was already selling their production all over the country. They were selling more than 30 various types of soap, including well-known Ivory. The growing demand allowed the company to construct a new factory in Kansas City, and after a while they developed the activity outside the USA (the factory in Ontario, Canada was the first outside affiliate). By the present time Procter and Gamble has branches already more than in 50 countries of the world.

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History | Просмотров: 1224 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

History of American Business. Ford Motors

История развития компании Fors Motors 

In 1872 the son of the Irish immigrant fell from a horse while working at his father’s ranch near the city of Dearborn, Michigan. That day he decided to create a vehicle that would be more reliable, than vehicles using the force of animals. This unhappy horseman was Henry Ford, the man who invented one of the most popular cars in the world (Bellis).

Henry Ford was born in Springfield, Michigan on July, 30th, 1863 (Davis, 2003). He spent his childhood at his parents’ farm where he helped his family and attended a village school. When he was 12 years old Henry equipped a small workshop where he spent all his free time. Right there several years later he designed his first steam engine. In 1879 Henry Ford moved to Detroit where he became an assistant to a machinist. In three years Ford moved to Dearborn and next five years he was engaged in designing and repairing steam engines. In 1891 Ford became an engineer of the Edison Illuminating Company, and in two years he was appointed the chief engineer of the company. The decent salary and abundance of spare time allowed Ford to pay more attention to working out the internal combustion engines. Ford assembled the first internal combustion engine in his kitchen. Soon he decided to put the engine on a frame with four bicycle wheels. So in 1896 quadrocycle appeared - a vehicle which became the first Ford’s car.

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History | Просмотров: 764 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

Albert Einstein

Фрагмент статьи, посвящённой личности Альберта Эйнштейна и его трудам 

Albert Einstein is a man who made a lot in his life. His deeds and inventions changed the world and gave many people the new vision of the universe. He is an outstanding figure of the 20th century and there are not many people who can compare with him in the significance and importance of the inventions done during his life. He was a philosopher, a theoretical physicist, an author of many works. He is widely regarded to be one of the most influential and famous intellectuals and scientists of all times. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics, as it was stated "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect" (Nobelprize.org).

His contributions to physics are numerous. Among them there are the general and special theories of relativity, the first post-Newtonian expansion, development of relativistic cosmology, elaborating of the theories on deflection of light by gravity and gravitational lensing, the fluctuation dissipation theorem that referred to the Brownian movements of molecules, the wave-particle duality, the photon theory, the zero-point energy concept, the quantum theory of atomic motion in solids, the quantum theory of a monatomic gas and the semi classical version of Schrödinger equation. Albert Einstein published about 450 scientific and non-scientific works during his life and all of them are appreciated nowadays.

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History | Просмотров: 1011 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 13.01.2012

The Struggle for Black Equality, 1954-1992

Статья посвящена истории борьбы афро-американцев за свободу и независимость

     The life of the Afro-American population has always been hard. For two centuries they have been oppressed, suffered hardships and privations. They constantly struggled for their rights, independence and liberty. That struggle continued up to the XX century. A great migration of approximately 5 million of Afro-Americans from the South of the country to the North and West of the USA in the years 1910 – 1960 became a push to the civil rights movements. That happened because the status of the Black population began to change rapidly: having no rights to vote in the South, they got these rights in the North. The victory of the Democrats in 1936 and the strong influence of the Roosevelt’s New Deal made Afro-Americans switch from the Republicans. The March on Washington Movement in 1940 of several black civil rights groups made President Roosevelt set up a Fair Employment Practices Committee that provided blacks with working places during the WWII. And from that time Afro-Americans started to struggle for their civil rights even more obstinately. The civil rights movement began in 1954 with the Montgomery bus boycott when a woman refused to surrender her seat to a white passenger. This boycott lasted for a year. In 1956 the Supreme Court passed a decision that it was a manifestation of race discrimination and therefore it was considered an unconstitutional action. Years before there were some conflicts about the problem of school admittance, as black population was deprived of this privilege. In 1957 the president of Arkansas NAACP provided the legal strategy that allowed nine black students to enter a school.

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History | Просмотров: 833 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 11.01.2012

The first three presidents of the U.S.A

(George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson)


The first president of the USA was George Washington (1732-1799). Besides he was the commander-in-chief of the Continental army of colonists in the War for the Independence (1775-1783). He supported preservation of neutrality by the United States concerning rivalry between the European powers.

In 1774-1775 George Washington was one of the representatives of Virginia in the Continental congress. In June 1775 he was unanimously selected the commander-in-chief of the Continental army. He headed the Army throughout the whole War for the Independence.

Washington’s popularity and indisputable authority caused his election on the post of the president of the country. He became the president on April, 30th, 1789. Washington did not participate in pre-election struggle, and waited in Mount Vernon. The members of the elective board chosen in states in the beginning of January, 1789, voted unanimously for Washington as president. The second place by quantity of voices was occupied by John Adams who became the vice-president.

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History | Просмотров: 1072 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 11.01.2012

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

Фрагмент статьи посвящён биографии

Вильгельма фон Лейбница и его трудам

     Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716) is an outstanding German philosopher and a mathematician. He was born: July, 1, 1646 in Leipzig. His father, the professor of moral philosophy of the University of Leipzig, died when his son was six years old. Leibniz entered the University of Leipzig at the age of 15. He graduated in 1663, having defended a thesis on the bachelor’s degree "On the Principle of the Individual” (Disputatio metaphysica de principio individui). In 1663-1666 he studied jurisprudence in Yen and published the work concerning the juridical education. He was noticed there by baron von Boineburg and the archbishop of Mainz. The archbishop was occupied with maintenance of peace within the boundaries of Sacred Roman Empire, and also between Germany and its neighbors. Leibniz plunged into archbishop’s plans. He also searched for the rational foundation of Christian religion equally comprehensible to Protestants and Catholics.

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History | Просмотров: 917 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 10.01.2012

The culture of capitalism

 Фрагмент статьи посвящён истории развития капитализма  


     Capitalism emerged in the Western Europe at the turn of the XV – XVI centuries. From now on the advanced West European societies became the capitalist societies. In the course of this development the West European system started to become industrial and simultaneously capitalist.

     Capitalism resulted from the natural development of the previous society. It appeared only in one place of the world - in the Western Europe. This is the primary, initial capitalism. In all other areas of the Earth capitalism resulted from the influence of the West European society. Everywhere outside the Western Europe capitalism is secondary, derivative.

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History | Просмотров: 958 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 05.01.2012

Relationship between the English colonies in the Americas from 1660 to 1783

Фрагмент статьи посвящён истории развития

английских колоний в Северной и Южной Америке

Economic and social development of English colonies in the North America began with the stage already reached by the mother country. However, throughout the whole century the English authorities made efforts imposing in America large feudal land property. English kings distributed the extensive lands to the confidants, even the whole colonies. 

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History | Просмотров: 882 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 05.01.2012

Justice John Paul Stevens

Фрагмент статьи о выдающейся личности

судье Джоне Поле Стивенсе

и о его вкладе в развитие американского общества


John Paul Stevens is the oldest member of the Supreme Court of the USA at the moment. He has a position of an Associate Justice. Stevens has been serving at the US Supreme Court for nearly thirty five years. He occupied his position during the presidency of seven American presidents after having been offered the position by Gerald Ford in December 1975. Recently eighty nine year old John Paul Stevens sent his resignation to the American President Barack Obama.


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History | Просмотров: 778 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 05.01.2012


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