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Literature | Просмотров: 5060 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 31.12.2013

High School Students Should Not Have A Job


В статье освещается мнение о том, что школьники старших классов не должны работать

 The tendency among students in high schools nowadays shows that the majority of students prefer to take job. The advantages of having a job are undisputable. Thus, a young person becomes more self-confident, experienced, and independent. Apart from that, the money factor should not be underestimated. However, the disadvantages of having a job while going to high school are also very vivid. So, I believe that high school students should not have a job. 

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Education | Просмотров: 781 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Tuition Fee In The Universities of Canada

Статья посвящена проблеме повышения стоимости обучения в университетах Канады

The issue of tuition fee in the universities of Canada is a very burning one as Canadians are really concerned about it. The problem is that in Quebec, for instance, the present tuition freeze may be revoked. Payment for education may be raised. Another issue of great importance is who is to pay for students’ education: students themselves, their parents or the government.

In spite of all the intentions of Canadian government to raise the tuition fee, various polls show that the majority of the Canadian population believes that students pay too much (McSorley A25). Moreover, people also want the government to provide free university education for those who cannot afford it. It is obvious that Canadians do not want students pay higher fees. And no wonder why. Not every family has the opportunity to pay university the tuition fee. In case it raises only families with income above $100,000 will be able to afford it (Watson A14). Despite various argues in this respect, whether high or low, tuition fee affects higher educational establishments’ enrolment rates. According to the Statistics Canada’s Youth in Transition Survey, 70% of those students who faced some problems entering a university reported money problem (McSorley A25).

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Education | Просмотров: 788 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Learning and Cognition Paper


Статья посвящена изучению знания и познания

      Learning is a complicated process that presupposes that a living being can establish some relationships between different events and can recognize the common features of these events. As a result the behavior of a living being is changed under the influence of this experience. In such spheres as education and psychology learning is known as a process that unites environmental, emotional and cognitive experiences and influences on enhancing and acquiring different skills, values, knowledge and perception of the world. The process of learning is focused on everything that happens to a living being during the learning.  There are different explanations and interpretations of every change that takes place during the process of learning. Depending on the approach various learning theories can be distinguished: cognitivism, constructivism and behaviorism.

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Education | Просмотров: 765 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

Doing well on exams

can depend on physical and emotional preparation


В статье рассказывается о влиянии психологического состояния и настроя

на успешный результат при сдаче экзамена

    Taking an exam is a very difficult time for every person. It is a rather stressful event that may cause a person a lot of emotional and physical strain, tension and stress. Some people pass their exams rather easily, as though playing a game. Other people cannot stand exams, as they always feel disappointed, embarrassed and perplexed. This may happen due to various reasons. Sometimes a person is not prepared for his or her examination and therefore feels unsure of everything. But there are cases when our emotional and physical state plays an important part in our success or failure.

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Psychology | Просмотров: 828 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012


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