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Статья, копирайт, эссе, essay, doing well on exams, psychology, education

 Doing well on exams

can depend on physical and emotional preparation


В статье рассказывается о влиянии психологического состояния и настроя

на успешный результат при сдаче экзамена

    Taking an exam is a very difficult time for every person. It is a rather stressful event that may cause a person a lot of emotional and physical strain, tension and stress. Some people pass their exams rather easily, as though playing a game. Other people cannot stand exams, as they always feel disappointed, embarrassed and perplexed. This may happen due to various reasons. Sometimes a person is not prepared for his or her examination and therefore feels unsure of everything. But there are cases when our emotional and physical state plays an important part in our success or failure.

     Every exam requires from a person to be emotionally prepared for it. Sometimes our emotional state is the most important factor that influences our life. Thus, for example, even if you cannot focus your thoughts on the topic, if you forget important things and cannot respond in an adequate way during the examination, you may fail, no matter how good you have learnt the subject. You must be sure of your knowledge and of yourself. That will help you to look worthy even if you forget something. Besides a person who can get hold of oneself and control emotions makes a better impression than a nervous know-all, who always drops his books. In addition there are some important points that should better not be forgotten while preparing for an exam. While memorizing something it is better not to learn it by heart, but to try to apply it to life, to find some examples from one’s own experience. That is the best way to imprint the material into one’s mind.

     The importance of physical preparation cannot be doubted either. It is not a secret that the majority of all students start to prepare for their exams not beforehand the big day, but actually the day before. It does not happen to everyone, but in most cases it is true. So, as a result a student does not have much time to sleep, to eat and to enjoy the fresh air. By the day of the exam a student does not get enough of sleep and cannot remember the simplest things, because his only desire is to sleep. So the attention of this student is as a rule distracted and he cannot be at the top of his physical form. That may lead to terrible consequences as for the results of the exam. No matter how good a person understands something, no matter how perfect his knowledge is and no matter how profound his understanding of the problem is, the desire to sleep may spoil everything. So it is better not to risk your future career and prepare for an exam beforehand. It is wise to spend more time outside, because the fresh air helps our brain to memorize different things better, we feel sound and healthy so our physical condition contributes to our mental state in a positive way.

     The best way to pass an exam successfully is to be in top emotional and physical shape at the day of the exam. If you need to stay up all night long in order to prepare for an exam, it is better to choose the other night, so that you will get enough of sleep on the eve of the exam. You will be not panic-stricken and your confidence will help. Besides, it is also very important not to overeat in order not to distract your attention during the exam.


Категория: Psychology | Добавил: prowriter (28.01.2012)
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