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Статья, копирайт, эссе, essay, marketing, маркетинг

Marketing (definition) 

В статье подробно рассматривается, что такое маркетинг

Nowadays the world market is overloaded with various products that are to be sold. Some of them become popular very quickly and are sold immediately. They require new and new production and therefore make the company that produced the goods successful. Other products may never find their buyers and will only become an unsuccessful investment for its producer. Marketing is a very important component that may add to success of a business. It has a lot of different strategies, all of which are aimed at attracting new customers.

     There are various definitions of marketing. All definitions enlighten the notion of marketing from different aspects. Thus, The Chartered Institute of Marketing gives the following definition: "Marketing is the management process that identifies, anticipates and satisfies customer requirements profitably” (CIM, Marketing Teacher). Another definition is more realistic. It uses the famous Four P’s of McCarthy: "Marketing is essentially about marshalling the resources of an organization so that they meet the changing needs of the customer on whom the organization depends” (Palmer, Marketing Teacher). Personally I would prefer to define marketing in a more descriptive way. Marketing is how you define your product, promote it, distribute it and how you maintain relationship with the present and potential clients. Marketing is not a simple sale of a product. In order to sale something successfully a seller should attract a potential buyer’s attention. The next stage is motivation: a customer must be motivated to buy a product. It is not only important to attract attention. Sometimes it is not enough: a customer must effect a purchase. And the most successful marketing step is to make a customer purchase again and again. It is also important to find your own customer – a target of specific group of population. A successful example of this strategy is the Gerber Products Company. It was founded in 1927 and specialized in making canned food for infants. It had five items only: prunes, spinach, strained peas, beef vegetable soup and carrots. It had a narrow range of consumers: people with small children. But that made the company successful: having only several items, the company made them very high-qualified, so it became very popular in short period of time. Six month later the Gerber products company became national distributor of food for children and nowadays it is a worldwide distributor of baby food. The Coca-Cola Company also chose a target community for the goods it produces. However this community consisted of everyone who can potentially feel thirsty. That is why the consumers of this company may be found all over the world.

     The promotion of a product is one of the most important aspects in the marketing. Promotion represents a specific mix of different components: selling, advertising and public relations. All these aspects should be taken into consideration by the company that wants to communicate its message to potential customers. Successful promotion should embrace various aspects: advertising, in-store displays, public relations, sales, personal selling, telephone calls, direct mailing, and worldwide web. A successful marketing presupposes that a producer should know the answers to such questions as: Who know about the product our company sells? How do customers know about our product? Where and for how much can we promote the product of our company? The example of the successful promotion can be the Bounce Company that produces fabric softener sheets. They advertise that their sheets can chase ants away if you lay a sheet near the place they live, take the odor out of books that have not been opened for a long time and can also make shower doors clean. The product of the Bounce Company is popular as it does not only perform its main function, but can also be applied for different purposes. Besides, it is not only important to produce such product of the good quality, but it is also necessary to advertise and promote it in a professional and therefore successful way.

Категория: Society | Добавил: prowriter (10.01.2012)
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