Personality Studies: The Myers-Briggs
Personality Assessment & The Rorschach
Apperception tests ![](
Фрагмент статьи, посвящённой изучению личности с помощью типологии Майерс-Бриггс и тестов Роршаха
Nowadays people started to speak a lot about
personality. It happens because almost everyone understands that knowing
yourself and knowing other people can help them in many spheres of our life.
Our personality is still a mystery but there have been a lot of scientists that
were interested in studying it, and have succeeded to some extent. And of
course the mystery of human personality could not have missed the attention of
psychologists – people who probably know about us a little bit more than other people.
They proved that our personality has a very strong impact on everything that
happens to us. There are a lot of people around us so our personality
influences our relations with other people. The way we feel about them, the way
we behave ourselves with them and the way we build our relations are defined by
various and unique features of our characters. That is why some people can
easily establish relations with anyone they want, and there are people who
cannot even ask a stranger the time. Our personality also influences the way we
try to cognize the world, the way we learn new things. Some people do it easily
and with great pleasure, but someone can hardly imagine himself or herself
learning something new at will, not under compulsion. We also choose
professions according to our personality. One person likes active job and
communication with many people; others prefer to stay at home and avoid any
possible contact. Sometimes people can hardly explain this or that inclination
but personality can act subconsciously. It also depends on our personality
whether we have a chance to be promoted or not, whether we can built good
relations with our partners and therefore make a strong team and bring a great
profit to the company we work at, or not…
… The
Myers-Briggs personality assessment is a questionnaire that helps people to
study their personality, their inner world. It is based on Carl Gustav Jung
researches of human nature and the theories presented in his book
"Psychological Types” (1921). The results of his researches were taken and
interpreted by Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers who was her
daughter. Their intention was to elaborate the indicator that could determine
people’s psychological preferences. This indicator was supposed to explain the
mechanism of making preferences, perceiving the world and decision making. The
MBTI had a real success when it saw the world. The publisher called it the most
trusted and the most successful tool of personality assessment. The proponents
of the MBTI claim that the model shows construct validity of its components,
the coherent consistence of the elements and reliability that results in the
same indicators after several retesting. However, the Myers-Briggs model is not
justified scientifically. It is mainly based on Jung’s theory about
psychological types that was not tested scientifically. Therefore there is no
scientific conformation of the validity of the Myers-Briggs personality
assessment. The validity of the given model is highly criticized, as the
achieved results totally depend on an interviewer’s true answers. That fact
cannot be verified by any means, so the exact and scientifically valid results
are based on human’s honesty, that is, of course a very changeable feature.
Besides many researched proved that the reliability of the tests is not very
high. Thus, one person being retested several times may appear to have
different types of personality that cannot be possible. The utility of the
Myers-Briggs tests is also argued very much. Thus, according to the authors’
point of view each type of personality responds to a definite set of
professions. But human’s personality is not something that can be absolutely
clear to a scientist, so it is not always possible to identify one’s relation
to this or that job. The same things concern learning, as people can change
their attitude to various spheres of knowledge in different periods of their
life. On the other hand the comprehensiveness of the test is very high, as the
given results are explained in a profound and logical way, so that to make a
person comprehend what to do with the information he or she gets. The
applicability of the Myers-Briggs personality assessment is also very high, as
these tests were applied even to children. Though sometimes variations are to
be expected, as children’s personality changes very quickly and make them
answer the same question in a different way. So, the cultural utility is
realized at a very good level. These tests embrace rather wide sphere of
human’s life: the way our personality influences our life, relationships with
other people, out learning, our work, career, and many other important aspects
of human’s life.
Rorschach Apperception tests also deal with human’s personality but on an
absolutely different basis, comparing with the previous one. It has nothing to
do with logic and questionnaires. The Rorschach Apperception tests are based on
person’s emotional perception of the surrounding world and deal with images,
shapes and forms. This personality assessment is closely connected with the way
how a person can differentiate things, objects, and people in inkblots that are
not usually symmetrical. One of the main advantages claimed by the supporters
of this test is that a person cannot anticipate the "right” answer, as could
happen in case of questionnaires. It impossible to foresee what is to be seen
in the blot. That is why our brain answers instead of us and therefore we have
a chance to know more about ourselves. This test is often used to study human’s
emotional state. The Rorschach Apperception tests may be extraordinary useful
while examining a patient for emotional instability, nervous disorder or the
disorder in thinking process. These tests got the name of their inventor,
Professor Hermann Rorschach. Unlike questionnaires these tests are widely used
in medical establishments. They are widely used almost everywhere by many
psychiatrist all over the world. However not every specialist treats these
tests to be scientifically justified and therefore valid. They are called
unreliable as no one can judge correctly what is good and what is bad about
this or that interpretation of a picture or an inkblot. A doctor can use them
in his studies, make some conclusions, but he does not have a professional
right to trust them absolutely. The better way is to judge the patient’s health
using several different methods that can supplement each other. The
comprehensiveness of the Rorschach Apperception tests is argued on the same
basis. Different specialists that apply these tests for various purposes can
interpret the results in many different ways. Thus, if a person sees something
in an inkblot and several doctors give their opinions, the diagnoses may appear
to be various and therefore incorrect. That is of course inadmissible. The
comprehensiveness of the Rorschach Apperception tests is also widely argued as
even the same person can make different conclusions in different state of mind
or even in different mood. On the other hand, the applicability of the inkblot
test is very wide. Thus, alongside with hospitals and mental institutions, they
can be used judging the mental state of the people who cannot explain their
feelings in coherent words, or are inconsistent in their narration. These tests
can be also applied to judge about small children’s health and state of mind,
as they also cannot explain many things if they are asked directly about this
or that feeling. Besides, the Rorschach Apperception tests are very popular in
criminal cases, when it is extremely important to find out whether a criminal
is not mentally healthy, or just try to pretend that. As to the cultural
utility, the Rorschach Apperception tests are not very objective if used
without any other special investigations. But if they are combined with some
other methods of cognizing human’s personality, the effect may appear to be
very vivid and applicable…
… All these
tests have a lot of advantages alongside with disadvantages. The most appropriate
way to cognize oneself is to combine all these methods and to make the right
conclusions. Besides no test is universally true, so it is better not to
believe everything absolutely.