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Статья, копирайт, Доминика, Dominica, Indian River, туризм, путешествия

Indian River: An Adventure Eco Trip

Статья о реке Индиан-Ривер на острове Доминика в Карибском море

What is one of the most beautiful and picturesque places in the Caribbean Sea? What is a perfect place to enjoy beauty of nature and to get wonderful emotions? What is a good place to make a marriage proposal and not to be turned down?

And, at last but not the least, what is an appropriate place to choose for making the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Dead Man’s Chest”? No two minds think alike.

No matter how many people answer these questions, they give different answers. But think about all those "whats” at once – there is only one place that totally corresponds all of those features.

This is the Indian River, which along with Glanvillia Swamp borders the southern edge of Portsmouth.

Gore Verbinski, who created "The Dead Man’s Chest”, made a perfect choice while thinking about the place which would be appropriate scenery for an episode of the movie. Remember mysterious and sacred river, which led to the hut of Tia Dalma? Captain Jack Sparrow floated down this river with his friends in a small boat. They passed huge trees with massive trunks and roots which went down into the waters of the Indian River. The waters of the river looked dark and full of unknown dangers, trees and bushes seemed to be a hide-out of mysterious beasts or local tribes.

In real life, the Indian River is a very popular tourist attraction. The Indian River National Park occupies 58 acre (23 hectares). This wetland is a perfect area for rich flora and fauna (such as herons and egrets, ducks, and waders). Such trees as bwa mang (Pterocarpus officinalis) and yellow-flowered maho dou (Hibiscus pernambucensis) grow along both banks of the Indian River. Such fauna representatives as small spotted black crabs with red legs and whitish pincers – "red legs” or "zagaya swamp” (Goniopsis cruentata) and large white crabs or kobo (Cardisoma guanhumi) are common inhabitants of the Indian River National park.

Категория: Nature, Geography, Travel | Добавил: mercurizator (28.09.2011)
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