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Literature | Просмотров: 5020 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 31.12.2013

Gay Families and The Community


Статья посвящена проблеме однополых браков

 Today, the problem of the relationship between gay families and local communities grows more and more serious because communities often oppose to gay families, whereas many communities insist on the legal ban of gay families and marriage. Nevertheless, formally or informally, gay families exist, although they have certain limitations, especially in regard to the possibility of adoption children. In such a situation, it is important to study the impact of the community on gay families and the current situation related to the problem of relationships between gay families and communities.

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Culture, People | Просмотров: 1075 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012


Статья посвящена проблеме ожирения в современном обществе

According to the U. S. obesity trends of the period 1985 – 2009, "obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater” (Overweight and obesity). The situation with obesity especially among children – American young generation – is really terrible. Statistic tells that the "health crisis affecting every state, every city, every community, and every school” across American nation (Richard H. Carmona). Nowadays obesity is one of the fastest growing factors that cause disease and death in the USA. American people and their children already start seeing the consequences of unhealthy eating habits and of a lack of physical activity. 

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Culture, People | Просмотров: 1730 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012



В статье рассказывается о малярии, её происхождении и способах лечения


We live in the XXI century. However, there are diseases that are still present in our life, such as malaria. Ever year about 1500 cases of malaria are registered in the USA (Malaria and Travelers). Malaria is among several most frequent diseases that wait for the travelers during their trips (Sabo, 2008). Malaria is the infectious disease caused by malarial plasmodium. It is characterized by periodic attacks of a fever, liver and spleen increase, an anemia. Malaria distribution is limited by an area of carriers - mosquitoes of sort Anopheles and an ambient temperature providing end of development of the activator in an organism of a mosquito, i.e. 64 ° northern and 33 ° southern latitude; the disease is extended in the countries of Africa, South East Asia and the South America.

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Health, Family Relations, Pregnancy, Children | Просмотров: 816 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Prejudice And Discrimination Against Older People

In Current Society

and Effect Of Ageism On Their Health


Статья посвящена явлению возрастной дискриминации в обществе

и проблемам со здоровьем, которые могут быть вызваны этой дискриминацией

 All societies use gender and age to classify their members. American people have developed "a set of prejudices and discriminations against our elders that may be unequaled by any other society” (Palmore 1999 p. 4). The modern society has acquired a negative attitude towards older individuals. This negative attitude towards older generation is reflected in such spheres of modern life as media, language and humor. For instance, such a phrase as "don’t be an old fuddy-duddy” denotes that old people are treated as physically defective and "incompetent” (Woolf 1998). Or, for example, the whole industry of the greeting cards business is "built around "over the hill” theme” (Nelson 2002 p. ix). The message of those cards portrayed as humorous is rather simple. The essence of it is an intention and undesirability to get older. Older people are usually given unflattering characteristics. They are considered to be of little value, even a burden of society; they are slow to accept changes and are often politically conservative. Besides, the majority of older people are interpersonally and economically dependent. And in addition to these features of older generation, many people consider them to be "slow, deaf or stupid, non-sexual and alienated” (SOA Watch 2010). Both men and women can feel prejudiced attitude, but women usually suffer it to a greater extent more than men (Lukas 2010). This negative attitude towards older people is called ageism. That is "a form of discrimination which is based on someone's chronological age” (Smith 2010). Ageism may concern a representative of any age group. However, it mainly refers to older people. 

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Culture, People | Просмотров: 1155 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012


Статья посвящена проблеме развода, его причинам и последствиям

When two people marry each other they usually do not think about such end of their family as divorce. Unfortunately, a lot of couples decide not to live together and therefore break their marriage off. Divorce is a phenomenon opposite to marriage. Divorce is "the legal breakup of marriage” (Divorce). Divorce is a very stressful situation, because it is a rather major life change. Thus, all members of the family usually suffer and it appears to be very difficult to cope with the situation. Divorce usually affects finances, household jobs, living arrangements, schedules and many other spheres of human life. The situation becomes more complicated if there are children in the family. They may be affected really deep and it is usually they who suffer from their parents’ divorce more than the others.

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Psychology | Просмотров: 1173 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Effects of Divorce on Children

В статье рассказывается о влиянии развода родителей на психику ребёнка  

It is difficult to imagine a situation more terrible for a child than his or her parents’ divorce. No matter how strongly can the parents control their behavior, words, emotions, and the whole situation in general, a child suffers in any case. The more troubles accompany the procedure of divorce, the more psychological troubles it may cause. "Divorce is an intensely stressful experience for all children, regardless of age or developmental level; many children are inadequately prepared for the impending divorce by their parents” (Eleoff, 2003). The initial child’s reaction to his or her parents’ decision to separate is usually as follows: a sense of vulnerability while the family is disintegrating, the feeling of grief at a loss of the integrated family, loss of the parent who is non-custodial, a strong feeling of powerlessness.

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Psychology | Просмотров: 1424 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

'How does audience research approach the relationship 

between children and television?'

Фрагмент статьи, посвящённой вопросу влияния СМИ на детей

      The problem of the influence of television on children is much more serious that we would like it to be. A lot of researches have shown that the influence of television and media in general is more of negative nature than of positive. The results of the negative influence of TV programs on children are shortening of attention span, distorted image of a human body, growing obesity, fear and anti-social behavior. And these are just several bad consequences of television. It would take eternity to enumerate them all. Unfortunately the degree of expansion of these notions if very often unlimited and, what is more, uncontrollable.

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Psychology | Просмотров: 1067 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 11.01.2012


Фрагмент статьи посвящён вопросу об эвтаназии: за и против 

     We do not know what makes us come into this world. From times immemorial people comprehended that it is much more complicated way than the process of fecundation. Some people believe that they came into this world by God’s desire. Skeptics look for some metaphysical reasons of our existence. Still everybody understands that we are not born according to our own wish. Then a problem arises: if we do not choose whether to be born or not, do we have the right to decide whether to die or to continue our life? No world religion permits a person to commit a suicide. Every faith punishes the lawbreaker in a very severe way: he is not to get access to heaven ever. Still a lot of suicides are committed every day all over the world and human society still does not treat this action definitely. Still this is a choice made by one person. On the other hand, what should a person do if he suffers an incurable disease and wants to leave this world? Euthanasia is a very burning problem of the modern society and it causes heated controversies and argues.

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Society | Просмотров: 1236 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 10.01.2012

Basal body temperature method (BBT)

В статье рассказывается о том, что такое базальная температура тела

Our organisms constantly undergo different changes. Some of them are inconspicuous and unnoticeable, and some of them can be traced in our everyday life. Especially if these changes occur in female organism. One of them is the change that is familiar to all women in the world. This is the part of the menstrual pattern. During this period women usually feel that their body temperature is lower than in usual days. It is especially evident during the first days of the menstrual cycle. The majority of women usually feel temperature rise during their ovulation period. This higher temperature usually stays during the second part of the menstrual cycle just before the beginning of the next period. The body temperature rises with ovulation. That creates a more fertile environment for a fertilized egg. This temperature increase is usually driven by progesterone, that is a hormone, the amount of which increases when a woman ovulates. If a woman measures her body temperature every day, she will be able to indicate whether her ovulation has already occurred or not.  These temperature patterns should be recorded in a chart. That will help to pinpoint whether ovulation has occurred or not and thus determine some other future patterns for ovulation predicting.

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Health, Family Relations, Pregnancy, Children | Просмотров: 1010 | Добавил: mercurizator | Дата: 01.11.2011

How to measure basal body temperature

В статье рассказывается о том, как измерять базальную температуру тела 

The measurement of basal body temperature is not difficult, thought it may require some character features from a person. It is necessary to be patient, persistent and diligent. Basal body temperature should be taken every time. Otherwise, it will be useless. 

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Health, Family Relations, Pregnancy, Children | Просмотров: 955 | Добавил: mercurizator | Дата: 01.11.2011

How to Chart Your Basal Body Temperature Pattern

В статье рассказывается о том, как измерять базальную температуру тела 

While measuring basal body temperature it is necessary to remember that each reading should be recorded. Basal body temperature must be plotted on the chart (graph) each day. Thus, a woman will learn how to recognize her own pattern. Temperature rise may be different (gradual, sudden, or in steps). Thus, different women may have various patterns, and patterns themselves may vary from cycle to cycle.

So, in order to feel the BBT chart, it is necessary to...

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Health, Family Relations, Pregnancy, Children | Просмотров: 1002 | Добавил: mercurizator | Дата: 01.11.2011

What is BBT chart about

В статье рассказывается о таблице базальной температуры

This article helps a woman to understand her basal body temperature ovulation chart. You will know about all major indicators of your basal body temperature. You will learn how and when it is necessary to chart BBT. A woman will know about essential patterns and main phases that change each other during a menstrual cycle. BBT chart is not only useful when a woman tries to conceive or to avoid it. It is also useful for a woman who wants to know more about her body and her female organism. Besides, this chart can help a woman to identify some possible fertility problems or, on the other hand, become sure that her periods are regular and healthy.

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Health, Family Relations, Pregnancy, Children | Просмотров: 2486 | Добавил: mercurizator | Дата: 01.11.2011

Hormonal Causes of Biphasic Patterns

В статье рассказывается о гормональных изменениях в организме

в разные периоды менструального цикла

During the pre-ovulatory period, that is also known as follicular, there are high levels of the hormone estrogen are present in female organism. This phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by lower basal body temperature. After ovulation occurs on a woman’s organism, the levels of the hormone progesterone are released by corpus luteum. Thus, the basal body temperature rises. The visual difference between both patterns (in pre-ovulatory period and after it) is usually seen on the next day after ovulation. However, the rise in basal body temperature may be seen not on the second day, but within the range of three days.

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Health, Family Relations, Pregnancy, Children | Просмотров: 713 | Добавил: mercurizator | Дата: 01.11.2011

Basal Body Temperature method in trying to conceive

В статье рассказывается о применении метода базальной температуры  
при планировании беременности

Many women consider pregnancy as a great happiness in their life. It is natural that every woman wants to perform her main obligation and give birth to one child or several children. Some women get pregnant very easily, without any difficulties. They just live their usual life, have sexual intercourse when they like and do not bother with calendars and time tables. However, there are some women who have to plan their sexual life in order to get pregnant and to know the happiest thing in the world – giving birth to a child.

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Health, Family Relations, Pregnancy, Children | Просмотров: 711 | Добавил: mercurizator | Дата: 03.10.2011

Basal Body Temperature method while avoiding pregnancy

В статье рассказывается о применении метода базальной температуры

при планировании беременности

Nobody argues that pregnancy is a great happiness. However, if it is undesirable, there would be no good at it. Sometimes it is better to avoid pregnancy. There exists several natural ways of preventing pregnancy. Such ways as monitoring cervical mucus, menstrual cycle, and temperature are the most popular and effective among them. One of the most effective methods of avoiding undesirable pregnancy is basal body temperature method.

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Health, Family Relations, Pregnancy, Children | Просмотров: 670 | Добавил: mercurizator | Дата: 03.10.2011

Thermometer – the necessary equipment for BBT measurement

В статье подробно рассказывается о том, какой термометр требуется для измерения базальной температуры тела

In order to apply the BBT method of birth control a woman does not require any special equipment except a thermometer. Thermometer has a very important meaning in BBT method. The measurement accuracy depends on the thermometer precision, its ability to demonstrate the result that would not be prejudiced. The basal body temperature birth control method does not require a special thermometer. It just should be able to measure the basal body temperature. In other words, it has to be able to measure the slightest changes in basal temperature.

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Health, Family Relations, Pregnancy, Children | Просмотров: 3192 | Добавил: mercurizator | Дата: 02.10.2011


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