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Девять месяцев тайны – стоит ли делиться ею с врачами?

Статье приводятся рассуждения о том, стоит ли во время беременности

злоупотреблять посещением врачей

Когда женщина узнает, что под сердцем у нее уже живет маленькое существо, она понимает, что познает великую тайну, разгадка которой, пожалуй, никому не под силу. Первое время об этом знают только двое: будущие мама и папа. Позднее окружающие начинают замечать и расспрашивать. И тут наступает момент, когда женщине приходится становиться на учет и регулярно посещать множество врачей, которые будут наблюдать за мамой и будущим малышом.

Так ли это хорошо? К сожалению, в нашей медицине осталось много пережитков советского времени, когда каждая справка считалась важной. Но сегодня для того чтобы ее получить нужно, во-первых, заплатить определенную сумму, а, во-вторых, выстоять очередь, даже если речь идет о современной платной клинике и посещении врача по записи.

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Здоровье, семья, беременность, роды, дети | Просмотров: 746 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 12.02.2012

Выйти замуж – не напасть, лишь бы замужем не пропасть


В статье освещена аргументы за и против гражданского брака

Какая девочка в детстве не мечтает выйти замуж за прекрасного принца? Пожалуй, каждая, которая смотрит мультфильмы, оканчивающиеся тем, что принцесса (пусть даже сперва она была бедной, но прекрасной и благородной), обязательно встречает своего возлюбленного и они уезжают на прекрасной карете в счастливое светлое будущее. Именно об этом будущем – обязательно самом лучшем и безоблачном мечтает каждая женщина, которая в душе остается той же наивной маленькой девочкой. А почему же наивной? Да просто потому, что простые мечты никогда не приведут к идеальному семейному счастью, которое кажется таким простым в детских сказках. Не нужно мечтать о будущем, нужно брать суровую реальность в свои крепкие женские руки и ковать, ковать свое счастье сегодня.

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Общество | Просмотров: 1536 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 12.02.2012

В страны чудес

В статье приводятся рассуждения о том, как выбрать место для отдыха

Ох уж мне эти русские… Ну чего же им не хватает?! Ну чем же их удивить?! И где только русские не бывали и чего они только не видели: и пирамиды, и Лувр, и Эйфелеву башню, и Тауэр, и бой быков, и Парфенон, и Колизей. Одним словом – все видели эти любопытные русские туристы. Что, разве не так? Не надоело? Ах, таки надоело! И куда же поехать, где получить новые впечатления и испытать новые ощущения? На карте больше не осталось мест, которые хотелось бы посетить или которых Вы еще не видели?

Да, Земля не безгранична…Но! Всем, у кого в душе живет первооткрыватель и истинный путешественник, мы можем предложить нечто необычное, что вряд ли предложит Вам любая другая туристическая компания и что оставит у Вас неизгладимое впечатление от встречи с неизведанным, непознанным. Вы спросите: неужели осталось в этом мире что-то непознанное и неизведанное со времен капитана Гранта и его знаменитых детей – необитаемые острова, дикие аборигены… 

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Туризм, география, путешествия | Просмотров: 579 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 12.02.2012

Аконит джунгарский

Статья посвящена лекарственному растению акониту джунгарскому

Корень аконита представляет собой конусовидные клубни, стебли вырастают до 130 см. Растет аконит на Иссык-Куле, Тянь-Шане, юге Алтая. В основном, настойка аконита джунгарского применяется при лечении радикулитов, заболеваний суставов. В народной медицине корень аконита джунгарского применяется в лечении онкологических заболеваний. 

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Здоровье, семья, беременность, роды, дети | Просмотров: 745 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 12.02.2012

5 способов добиться взаимопонимания со своим ребенком

В статье приводятся 5 советов, 

как добиться взаимопонимания с детьми

Семья – это прекрасно. Как чудесного после тяжелого рабочего дня прийти домой, где ждет любящий супруг или супруга, сесть на диван с чашкой горячего чая с ароматным пирогом и поиграть со своими детьми! К сожалению, иногда в отношениях родных и близких людей начинаются ссоры и разлады. Очень часто это происходит между родителями и детьми. Причин этому может быть довольно много: родителям часто не хватает времени пообщаться с детьми из-за напряженного графика работы, дети заводят новых друзей, мнение которых иногда становится более важным, чем родительское. Бывает, что родители сами отталкивают от себя детей отсутствием интереса или наоборот чрезмерным вниманием.

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Здоровье, семья, беременность, роды, дети | Просмотров: 1276 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 12.02.2012

Стоит ли выходить на охоту?

В статье приводятся аргументы за и против брака по рассчёту

Всем хоть раз жизни доводилось слышать незамысловатую историю про ту или иную ловкую дамочку, которой удалось провести простака-мужика и ловко женить на себе, а в качестве компенсации за то, что она будет терпеть его храп, стирать носки и готовить три-четыре раза в день, она с удовольствием взяла на себя труд поддержания нулевого баланса на его кредитках. Есть другой вариант истории о ловком молодце, который клятвами в любви и заверениями о вечной преданности получил в жены наивную лохушку, которая будет готовить, стирать и убирать, пока он наслаждается обществом прекрасных длинноногих красоток.

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Общество | Просмотров: 810 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 11.02.2012

Разница в возрасте: быть или не быть?

В статье приводятся аргументы за и против отношений,

в которых присутствует разница в возрасте

Часто от друзей, знакомых или родных можно услышать такую фразу: он тебе не подходит, он слишком стар для тебя! Или: она такая юная, неопытная, зачем тебе возиться с этой дурочкой, которая ничего не умеет?

И что ответить на такие вопросы? С одной стороны опыт друзей и старшего поколения подсказывает довольно удобное решение: не связываться, обойти стороной и спать спокойно как раньше. Это благоразумие, о котором никто не помнит, когда речь заходит о любви.

Может ли эта пресловутая разница в возрасте, о которой постоянно говорят, от которой пытаются оградить неразумных детей заботливые родители, стать препятствием на пути к счастью?

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Общество | Просмотров: 818 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 11.02.2012

Как достичь взаимопонимания в семье

В статье рассказывается о том, как следует строить отношения, 

чтобы достичь взаимопонимания

Ни для кого не секрет, что во многих семьях проблемой становится вопрос доверия и взаимопонимания. Как долго бы не жили супруги вместе, иногда в один прекрасный день сам собой появляется вопрос: «Ты мне не доверяешь?» Когда люди встречаются, влюбляются и женятся, они не думают о проблемах, которые подстерегают их на жизненном пути. Однако для многих семейная жизнь может стать обузой, тяжелой ношей, где доверие друг к другу пропадает с каждым днем.

Почему же так происходит? Как случается так, что люди, которые вроде бы доверяли друг, перестают делиться своими сокровенными мыслями, желаниями, планами и мечтами? Возможно, этого доверия и не было, а была лишь видимость. Возможно, это было всего лишь стремление одного из супругов сделать вид, что ему или ей интересны желания спутника жизни. Посоветовать что-то в этом случае достаточно непросто, поскольку истину нужно было искать в самом начале отношений. В таких отношениях доверия не было с самого начала.

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Здоровье, семья, беременность, роды, дети | Просмотров: 1009 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 11.02.2012

Вместе дома и на работе

В статье рассказывается об отношениях, 

которые складываются между мужчиной и женщиной, работающими вместе

Иногда среди наших знакомых появляется супружеская пара, которая не расстаётся ни дома, ни на работе, ни на минутку, ни на час. Хорошо это или плохо? Это проклятие или благословение для семейной жизни? Как к этому относиться: завидовать или сочувствовать этим людям? Со стопроцентной уверенностью ответить на эти многочисленные вопросы не может никто.

Кто-то подумает: вот несчастные, даже на работе друг от друга отдохнуть не могут. А кому-то может показаться: счастливчики, они не расстаются ни на секунду! Мнения, как правило, расходятся.

Следует заметить, что ситуации тоже могут отличаться друг от друга, потому что не бывает на свете одинаковых людей, и что одному хорошо, другому – иногда не очень. Бывают супружеские пары, вроде бы и работающие на одном предприятии, но в то же время, мало пересекающиеся друг с другом в течение рабочего дня. Например, муж может быть инженером, а жена – секретарём. Или жена может быть продавщицей, а муж – водителем. В таких случаях, между ними вряд ли будут возникать конфликты в рабочее время.

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Общество | Просмотров: 787 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 11.02.2012

Как выбрать тамаду на свадьбу

В статье рассказывается о том, что нужно учитывать

при выборе тамады на свадьбу

Вот наконец-то пришел и мой звездный час! Я стала невестой. Кроме приятных волнений и поисков заветного платья, многие, и я в том числе, сталкиваются с проблемой организации свадебного торжества. Рано или поздно приходится определиться с выбором тамады, который проведет торжественный банкет.

При подготовке нашего свадебного вечера, перед нами стояли следующие вопросы: мужчина или женщина? Молодой человек или человек среднего возраста?

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Культура | Просмотров: 719 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 11.02.2012

The biological perspective of psychology


В статье рассматривается психология с биологической точки зрения

 The study of physiology no doubt was of major importance in the development of psychology as a science separate from the others. Today, this perspective is mainly known as biological psychology. It is sometimes referred to as biopsychology or physiological psychology. This perspective emphasizes biological and physical bases of behavior. 

This perspective observed a significant growth over the last few decades, especially in the light of our advances in the ability to explore and understand the human brain and nervous system. Various tools such as MRI scans and PET scans help the researchers to look at the brain. Scientists can now consider and evaluate the effects of brain damage, drugs, and disease in ways that were next to impossible in the past.

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Psychology | Просмотров: 1399 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Transfer Of Knowledge In Moorish Spain


В статье рассказывается о культурном наследии средневековой Испании

What we know now about science was built up thousands of years ago. People of various civilizations and cultures made their great contribution to what is evident for us today, for the present generation. Advancements in technology and science are really spectacular but they would not have been achieved without the patient and slow pace of accumulation of knowledge and learning. We owe this accumulation of knowledge to the epochs of Ancient and Classical Greek civilizations, Roman Empire, India, China and Persia. The knowledge of the people who lived in these countries passed to the Muslims who lived in Western Asia. Many centuries later during the rare time of religious tolerance in Western European Spain that heritage of science, learning and knowledge was added to and cherished. Later it was brought into modern times from antiquity.

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History | Просмотров: 807 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

"The Silence of the Lambs” by Jonathan Demme

Movie review


Рецензия на кинофильм "Молчание ягнят"

 (режиссёр Джонатан Демми)

Cinema is one of the most successful inventions of the 20th century. It "presents us with a view of the action which is absolutely under the control of the director at every moment. When the camera moves we move, when it remains still we are still.” (Sontag 243) Various cinematic techniques can have a great influence upon the meaning and structure of any film. The unique and diverse combination of these techniques can make a film a real masterpiece or a mere failure. This essay is dedicated to a real masterpiece of cinematography of the 20th century: "The Silence of the Lambs” (1991). "The Silence of the Lambs” is a film directed by Jonathan Demme. His intention was to blur the boundaries of the genre, combining elements of serial killer horrors, women’s pictures and slasher films.

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Movie Reviews, Film Studies | Просмотров: 597 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

How To Build A Bird House


В статье рассказывается о том, как сделать скворечник

Those people who really love nature and enjoy the companionship of birds will definitely find these houses rather inexpensive and a real fun to build. A well-built birdhouse will be durable, cool, rainproof, and readily accessible for permanent cleaning. Using some imagination, the builder can also add various interesting things, in other words - an attractive touch to the landscape.

The best building material for a bird house is definitely wood. Other materials are not very good for such thing as a bird house. Metals other than aluminum should definitely be avoided, as they become extremely hot when they are exposed to a sweltering sun. Definitely, rough slabs especially with the bark left on present the ideal material for rustic-looking houses.

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Nature, Geography, Travel | Просмотров: 776 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Feminism In Martha Graham’s Art


В статье рассказывается о феминистическом направлении

в творчестве балерины Марты Грэм

There is no person in the world who is involved in dancing and knows nothing of Martha Graham. Everyone has at least heard about her. 

Martha Graham is a woman who changed the whole concept of modern dance in many ways. Graham pioneered many concepts into modern dance which are still used, widely developed and discussed today.

Martha Graham was born in Philadelphia in 1894. She studied dance and theater at the University of Cumnoch. At the time The Denishawn School created by Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn was the premier dance school in America. Ruth St. Denis, Isadora Duncan and were the pioneers of modern dance, which began to develop on both the East and West Coasts. The truth is that the new genre rejected the existing classical ballet as elitist. The Denishawn School forced the changes in the dance movement and gave it a new direction: the dance styles of many various cultures were incorporated.

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Culture, People | Просмотров: 1648 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

"Grease” by Randal Kleiser

Movie review


Рецензия на кинофильм "Бриолин"

(режиссёр Рэндл Клайзер)

 "Grease" is a movie that was produced in 1978 and directed by Randal Kleiser. It was based on Jim Jacobs's and Warren Casey's musical. It was about two lovers in a high school. The film stars Olivia Newton-John, John Travolta, Jeff Conaway and Stockard Channing. This movie was a real success. The soundtrack album of the movie became one of the best-selling albums in pop movie history. It also provided chart hits for the original artists and some others.

There are three major conflicts in the plot of the movie that contribute greatly to the popularity and greatness of the film.

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Movie Reviews, Film Studies | Просмотров: 696 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Native American Traditions


В статье рассказывается о традициях коренного населения Америки

 For thousands of years Native Americans inhabited the territory of New Mexico. It was many centuries before Europeans at last reached the North and South America (Native American Culture and Heritage). The reminders of their presence from ancient times are found throughout the whole country: pit houses, whimsical cliff dwellings and wonderful kivas (underground ceremonial chambers), abandoned cities and towns along ancient trade routes, and various symbols etched in rock. Nowadays, New Mexico is the home of 22 Indian tribes, among them 19 Indian pueblos and 3 reservations. Evidently, the nice starting point is the Albuquerque area from which it is wise to explore magnificent Native American heritage.

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History | Просмотров: 928 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Calypso And Soca Music


Статья посвящена истории развития музыки сока и калипсо

Calypso and soca music are widely spread in the basin of the Caribbean. There are two major cultures in this area: East Indian and Creole. One of the most important elements of Creole music is the African one. And in its turn one of the most important elements that characterize this trend is calypso and soca music in which drums play one of the most important part. Calypso music appeared on the islands in 1900s. It was a way to satirize politics and society via music. It originated during slavery when Africans who were forbidden to communicate with each other performed their music. It was the Golden Age of Calypso music. The first recordings began in 1914. The first major performers of Calypso music became known in the 1930s. The first stars of calypso music were Lord Kitchener and Mighty Sparrow. The most well-known song in the style of calypso music "Banana Boat Song," was written in 1956 by Harry Belafonte. In fact, it was the first record of calypso music to sell more than a million copies.

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Culture, People | Просмотров: 1159 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Psychology as a science


В статье приводятся аргументы за и против признания психологии наукой

Psychology is often defined as the "science of behavior and experience” (Cardwell and Flanagan 260). However the claim that psychology is a science can still be disputed. Some people claim that psychology does not "bear scientific fruit. Each field based in science has to be able to show results, both as public validation of its theories and methods and as a form of internal evidence” (Lutus) Psychology is based on empirical approach. It claims that our senses are the source of knowledge, as opposed to rationalism ("Is Psychology a Science?”).

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Psychology | Просмотров: 824 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Abraham Lincoln


В статье рассказывается о жизни и политической деятельности Авраама Линкольна

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the Unites States of America. He became the president in 1861 and occupied this post until his assassination in 1865. During the four years of his presidency he managed to do a lot. He led the country through very severe economic crisis, through the disaster of the Civil War. He put an end to slavery.

Before Abraham Lincoln became the President of the USA, he was a lawyer, a state legislator and a member of the House of Representatives. A lot of scientists, historians and biographers made a lot of attempts to trace back in Lincoln’s biography and life the justifications of his cleverness and historical significance. Thus, Thomas and Burlingame state that ‘Without exception Lincoln’s forebears proved to be self-reliant, upright men of moderate or even comfortable means, who earned the respect of their neighbors’. He was a vehement opponent of slavery in the country. One of his greatest deeds during the presidency was the defeat of the confederate states of the USA in the Civil War. Under the measures he introduced slavery was abolished.

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History | Просмотров: 1216 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Facial Expressions


В статье рассказывается о мимике

Facial expression implies the revelations about the features and characteristics of a person who has this expression. A person’s facial expression tells about something internal in the expresser’s character or thoughts. Speaking about facial expression in the context of асу communication and non-verbal communication it is suffice to mention that facial expression usually implies a change of a visual pattern. The same way as the static painting can express someone’s mood or capture a definite sentiment, a person’s face can also express relatively static features and characteristics. Sometimes, this is called physiognomy. Thus, the concept of facial expression includes the following components:

·        some features and characteristics of a person who is represented or, in other words, signified;

·        a visual configuration that is the representation of this feature or characteristic, in other words, it is the signifier;

·        the sigh vehicle, in other words, the physical basis of the given appearance, such as muscle movements, skin movements, wrinkles, fat, blemishes, lines;

·        some other person, who is a perceiver and usually interprets all the signs.

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Psychology | Просмотров: 711 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Literary Analysis of ‘A Doll’s House’ is a drama by Henrik Ibsen


Литературный анализ романа «Кукольный дом» Генриха Ибсена

‘A Doll’s House’ is a drama by Henrik Ibsen. Many ideas about marriage and relations between a wife and a husband Ibsen described from his own experience. Thus, he believed that both spouses should live as equals. They must remain free to become their own individual human beings. This belief of H. Ibsen is clearly seen in ‘A Doll’s House’.  Consequently H. Ibsen was strongly criticized for the disrespect for the institution of marriage that he expressed in ‘A Dolls’ House’. His intention was to stir up the stagnant Norwegian society with sensitive social issues. Some people frowned at his work and at his ideas.

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Literature | Просмотров: 2468 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Gay Families and The Community


Статья посвящена проблеме однополых браков

 Today, the problem of the relationship between gay families and local communities grows more and more serious because communities often oppose to gay families, whereas many communities insist on the legal ban of gay families and marriage. Nevertheless, formally or informally, gay families exist, although they have certain limitations, especially in regard to the possibility of adoption children. In such a situation, it is important to study the impact of the community on gay families and the current situation related to the problem of relationships between gay families and communities.

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Culture, People | Просмотров: 1075 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Literary analysis of Tom Joad,

the main character of "The Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck.


Литературный анализ персонажа Тома Джоуда –

главного героя романа Джона Стейнбека «Гроздья гнева»

 Tom Joad is the main character of the novel "The Grapes of Wrath” written by John Steinbeck. This character undergoes various changes in the course of his difficult, strenuous and tense life. Tom Joad is a real embodiment of a person who was politicized after facing the unfairness and injustice towards himself and towards other people who surrounded him. The novel "The Grapes of Wrath” by John Steinbeck narrates about the life story of a man. Tom Joad lived with his family in Oklahoma and later moved to California. All those changes and events happened during the harsh period of the Great Depression which was extremely difficult for American people of all social layers, especially for those who were not very rich. The book starts from description of Tom Joad who just returned from prison. Tom came back to his family farm but soon the whole family was forced to move away from the farm due to harsh conditions such as economic turmoil. As a result of this, Tom broke his parole and decided to help his family.

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Literature | Просмотров: 810 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Theme in Movies


В статье рассматривается феномен темы в кинофильмах

 Since the cinematography was invented movies became an integral part of our lives. We cannot live without them because they tell us about our and the other people’s life and still every time we watch them we find something new. They tell us about ourselves, that is why movies attract our attention so much. Films are often described as "life 's visual representation” (Tran, 2008). Everything we encounter in our daily undertakings is reflected in numerous movies. Movies create dreams and enjoy people. They depict our everyday life but still cinematography is something fantastic, mysterious and enigmatic. Each and everybody of us can be related and associated with protagonists or antagonists of a movie. We see ourselves in movies, that is why we are so interested in them. We want to find answers to our numerous questions. 

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Movie Reviews, Film Studies | Просмотров: 716 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012


Статья посвящена проблеме ожирения в современном обществе

According to the U. S. obesity trends of the period 1985 – 2009, "obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater” (Overweight and obesity). The situation with obesity especially among children – American young generation – is really terrible. Statistic tells that the "health crisis affecting every state, every city, every community, and every school” across American nation (Richard H. Carmona). Nowadays obesity is one of the fastest growing factors that cause disease and death in the USA. American people and their children already start seeing the consequences of unhealthy eating habits and of a lack of physical activity. 

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Culture, People | Просмотров: 1730 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

High School Students Should Not Have A Job


В статье освещается мнение о том, что школьники старших классов не должны работать

 The tendency among students in high schools nowadays shows that the majority of students prefer to take job. The advantages of having a job are undisputable. Thus, a young person becomes more self-confident, experienced, and independent. Apart from that, the money factor should not be underestimated. However, the disadvantages of having a job while going to high school are also very vivid. So, I believe that high school students should not have a job. 

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Education | Просмотров: 743 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Competing with Information Technology (Skype VS Vonage)


Статья посвящена сравнительному анализу Skype VS Vonage

The modern world cannot exist without modern technologies. Internet is one of them. It penetrated our life many years ago; however its influence upon every sphere of our life does not even lessen, but becomes stronger and stronger every day. Internet connected people. It gave us the opportunity to communicate regardless of many kilometers that separate them. Such applets as Skype and Vonage occupy an outstanding place among the technologies that changes the world. This article is dedicated to them. The importance of studying it is indisputable as they continue to influence our life in new aspects. The aim of this article is to study the way how Skype and Vonage use information and communication technologies to compete with each other.

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Society | Просмотров: 696 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012



В статье рассказывается о философии Сократа

 Socrates occupies a foundational place in the world history. However in spite of this fact, he left no notes after him (Socrates). His ideas became known only due to the notes of his students. Among these works Plato’s "The Apology” occupies an outstanding place. It he whom we are obliged for almost everything we know about Socrates today. 

Socrates spoke of God this way: he did not know whether he existed or not, but knew that his thoughts were all over around them. Soul and consciousness are primary for him, nature is secondary. He considered that if a person knew his own soul, it would help to know God and to approach him. Human reasonabless is the major proof of God’s existence.

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Philosophy | Просмотров: 983 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012



В статье рассказывается о малярии, её происхождении и способах лечения


We live in the XXI century. However, there are diseases that are still present in our life, such as malaria. Ever year about 1500 cases of malaria are registered in the USA (Malaria and Travelers). Malaria is among several most frequent diseases that wait for the travelers during their trips (Sabo, 2008). Malaria is the infectious disease caused by malarial plasmodium. It is characterized by periodic attacks of a fever, liver and spleen increase, an anemia. Malaria distribution is limited by an area of carriers - mosquitoes of sort Anopheles and an ambient temperature providing end of development of the activator in an organism of a mosquito, i.e. 64 ° northern and 33 ° southern latitude; the disease is extended in the countries of Africa, South East Asia and the South America.

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Health, Family Relations, Pregnancy, Children | Просмотров: 816 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Historical Perspectives of Abnormal Psychology


Статья посвящена историческому развитию науки психопатологии

Abnormal psychology is an integral part of psychology. It studies abnormal behavior, makes attempts to understand the abnormal and then take appropriate measures in order to change it. The concept of abnormal behavior changed in the course of time from individual to individual, from culture to culture. Today the meaning of "abnormal” is connected with mental disorders. Abnormal psychology is aimed to help people who cannot adapt in the society and function normally among other people. This may occur due to genetics, physical conditioning, social interactions, reasoning and learning (Scum doctor.com). During the whole period of human development people tried to understand the reasons of what was perceived as abnormal behavior and therefore to change it. Three were three main reasons of abnormality: biological, supernatural and psychological. 

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Psychology | Просмотров: 867 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Prejudice And Discrimination Against Older People

In Current Society

and Effect Of Ageism On Their Health


Статья посвящена явлению возрастной дискриминации в обществе

и проблемам со здоровьем, которые могут быть вызваны этой дискриминацией

 All societies use gender and age to classify their members. American people have developed "a set of prejudices and discriminations against our elders that may be unequaled by any other society” (Palmore 1999 p. 4). The modern society has acquired a negative attitude towards older individuals. This negative attitude towards older generation is reflected in such spheres of modern life as media, language and humor. For instance, such a phrase as "don’t be an old fuddy-duddy” denotes that old people are treated as physically defective and "incompetent” (Woolf 1998). Or, for example, the whole industry of the greeting cards business is "built around "over the hill” theme” (Nelson 2002 p. ix). The message of those cards portrayed as humorous is rather simple. The essence of it is an intention and undesirability to get older. Older people are usually given unflattering characteristics. They are considered to be of little value, even a burden of society; they are slow to accept changes and are often politically conservative. Besides, the majority of older people are interpersonally and economically dependent. And in addition to these features of older generation, many people consider them to be "slow, deaf or stupid, non-sexual and alienated” (SOA Watch 2010). Both men and women can feel prejudiced attitude, but women usually suffer it to a greater extent more than men (Lukas 2010). This negative attitude towards older people is called ageism. That is "a form of discrimination which is based on someone's chronological age” (Smith 2010). Ageism may concern a representative of any age group. However, it mainly refers to older people. 

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Culture, People | Просмотров: 1155 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Tuition Fee In The Universities of Canada

Статья посвящена проблеме повышения стоимости обучения в университетах Канады

The issue of tuition fee in the universities of Canada is a very burning one as Canadians are really concerned about it. The problem is that in Quebec, for instance, the present tuition freeze may be revoked. Payment for education may be raised. Another issue of great importance is who is to pay for students’ education: students themselves, their parents or the government.

In spite of all the intentions of Canadian government to raise the tuition fee, various polls show that the majority of the Canadian population believes that students pay too much (McSorley A25). Moreover, people also want the government to provide free university education for those who cannot afford it. It is obvious that Canadians do not want students pay higher fees. And no wonder why. Not every family has the opportunity to pay university the tuition fee. In case it raises only families with income above $100,000 will be able to afford it (Watson A14). Despite various argues in this respect, whether high or low, tuition fee affects higher educational establishments’ enrolment rates. According to the Statistics Canada’s Youth in Transition Survey, 70% of those students who faced some problems entering a university reported money problem (McSorley A25).

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Education | Просмотров: 753 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

History of football

Статья посвящена истории футбола

It may be difficult to believe but football is several hundred years old. Many people believe that England is the motherland of football. However, this fact is far from being true. There were games that resemble football in Ancient East (China, Egypt), Ancient Greece, Rome, and later in France, Italy and England. The game with the ball was more or less popular in ancient Greece in the 4th century BC. Greek people used legs and arms to play it. Later Romans adopted this game; however their variant of football was crueler and tougher. Exactly due to the Roman conquerors football became popular on the British Isles, the territory of the modern United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. The native population of the Isles (the Britons) liked the game very much. They even learned to play this game better than Romans. However, as Romans left the British Isles in the 5th century, the game left with them. Still football remained popular among the Europeans especially in Italy.

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History | Просмотров: 904 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Pedro Almodóvar


Статья посвящена творчеству испанского режиссёра Педро Альмодовара

 Pedro Almodóvar, the Spanish film-maker, has always been considered in Hollywood to be a "woman’s director” (Maddison 2000). This definition actually connoted latent homosexuality and female-identified melodrama. However, this characteristic of Almodóvar’s works seems a little bit superfluous, as his films are best known for the mixture of reality and fiction, extraordinary messages and unique plots. 

Fiction and reality go together in the films by Pedro Almodóvar. Sometimes it is next to impossible to differentiate between them, to decide what comes from real life and what was the play of director’s imagination. One thing is true for sure: all films by Pedro Almodóvar are united by the same central issue: the question of identity (Marsh 2006). He engages this issue in many different ways from the earliest work "Pepi, Luci, Bom y las otras chicas del montón” (1980) to his most recent film "Volver (Return)” (2006). This is a key feature of Pedro Almodóvar and it is consistently depicted through the motif of writing. He writes reality into existence and thereby changes it through fiction. Thus, the film-maker interrogates all forms of subject formation and subjectivity. The films of Pedro Almodóvar abound in "characters who adopt multiple pseudonyms, the repeated images of typewriters, the information transmitted through found notes, the eerie presence of ghostwriters” (Marsh 2006).

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Movie Reviews, Film Studies | Просмотров: 660 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012


Статья посвящена проблеме развода, его причинам и последствиям

When two people marry each other they usually do not think about such end of their family as divorce. Unfortunately, a lot of couples decide not to live together and therefore break their marriage off. Divorce is a phenomenon opposite to marriage. Divorce is "the legal breakup of marriage” (Divorce). Divorce is a very stressful situation, because it is a rather major life change. Thus, all members of the family usually suffer and it appears to be very difficult to cope with the situation. Divorce usually affects finances, household jobs, living arrangements, schedules and many other spheres of human life. The situation becomes more complicated if there are children in the family. They may be affected really deep and it is usually they who suffer from their parents’ divorce more than the others.

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Psychology | Просмотров: 1173 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Literary analysis of "Sister Carrie” by Theodore Dreiser

Литературный анализ романа «Сестра Керри» Теодора Драйзера

 Theodor Dreiser wrote his novel "Sister Carrie” in 1900. This novel became a very successful debut of him. Besides he laid down all the major themes that were also reflected in his following novels. 

"Sister Carrie” was called the typical American novel. The main characters and their stories illustrated the influence that the changes in the economic situation in the country made upon American society and culture. Caroline Meeber is one of the thousands of men and women who were seeking for any job in hard economic situation caused by the economic boom. She is introduced into a novel in an unusual way. She has no history and we know nothing about her former life.

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Literature | Просмотров: 3224 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Socrates and Protagoras about virtue


Статья посвящена размышлениям Сократа и Протагора о добродетели    

 Two great philosophers Socrates and Protagoras are outstanding figures that belong to the Ancient classical period. Both of them spoke a lot about virtue, its essence and properties. Protagoras mentions virtue in the general sense of the word, besides he enumerates separate virtues such as justice, good sense and piety. Socrates defines virtue as knowledge. Socrates pays a lot of attention to the essence and the origin of some virtues. He rises a question: "Is it possible to consider that virtue in general is an entity and justice, good sense and piety are its constituent parts? Or are they different definitions of one and the same quality?”.

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Philosophy | Просмотров: 755 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 29.01.2012

Time capsule


Статья представляет собой описание капсулы времени

и её содержимого: лучших образцов искусства и культуры 20 века

 We, people who live in the very beginning of the 21st century greet you, the generation of the 22nd century. We sent this message to you in order to show you our life, to share our values with you and to remind of some things that were very important and valuable for us.

The 20th century was filled with different events. Some of them were terrible, sanguinary and disastrous. Other events were happy, glad and joyful. But all of them were meaningful and crucial for life of future generations.

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History | Просмотров: 1852 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

Compare and contrast

"The Silence of the Lambs” by Jonathan Demme

and "Alien” by Ridley Scott

Сравнительный анализ фильмов "Молчание ягнят" и "Чужой"

 Cinema is one of the most successful inventions of the 20th century. It "presents us with a view of the action which is absolutely under the control of the director at every moment. When the camera moves we move, when it remains still we are still.” (Sontag 243) Various cinematic techniques can have a great influence upon the meaning and structure of any film. The unique and diverse combination of these techniques can make a film a real masterpiece or a mere failure. Two films will be observed in this essay: "The Silence of the Lambs” (1991) and "Alien” (1979). "The Silence of the Lambs” is a film directed by Jonathan Demme. His intention was to blur the boundaries of the genre, combining elements of serial killer horrors, women’s pictures and slasher films. "Alien” was created by Ridley Scott. It represents a vivid example how a horror film could become a real masterpiece. It also demonstrated how the filmmaking can produce an effective contrast. Being a horror film, "Alien” achieves its goal by blending different genres. First an unusual setting was chosen. The haunted-house horror film was taken into distant, empty, cols space. That fact made the film merge with the genre of science-fiction. Thus, the filmmakers invited the audience to compare the picture with other films performed in the genre of horror film before and to enjoy the new variation of a horror picture.

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Movie Reviews, Film Studies | Просмотров: 956 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

Opera in the 20th century

Giacomo Puccini "Turandot”


Статья посвящена анализу оперы Джакомо Пуччини «Турандот»

 Since ancient times up to the 20th century opera has undergone a lot of changes. There are four main periods of its development. In the epoch of the Renaissance Monteverdi made his first opera "Orfeo”. During that period most of the opera theatres originated in Italy and the most peculiar features of opera style were music, songs, lyrics, dances and costumes. These components made opera a rather famous entertainment. The 17 – 18th centuries gave the world the Baroque opera. The performance of the Baroque opera entailed various difficulties as, for example, the imitation of ancient musical instruments. In the end of the 18th century the classical opera predominated. One of the greatest musicians who wrote operas in classical style was W. Mozart. The 19th century gave the genre of opera romantic character; and the late 19th and 20th centuries changed opera to what we now know as modern opera. Modern opera has lost the touch of aristocracy and royalty. The themes have also changed. Modern operas tell us about different people, their emotions, joys and sufferings.

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Art, Architecture | Просмотров: 804 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

Learning and Cognition Paper


Статья посвящена изучению знания и познания

      Learning is a complicated process that presupposes that a living being can establish some relationships between different events and can recognize the common features of these events. As a result the behavior of a living being is changed under the influence of this experience. In such spheres as education and psychology learning is known as a process that unites environmental, emotional and cognitive experiences and influences on enhancing and acquiring different skills, values, knowledge and perception of the world. The process of learning is focused on everything that happens to a living being during the learning.  There are different explanations and interpretations of every change that takes place during the process of learning. Depending on the approach various learning theories can be distinguished: cognitivism, constructivism and behaviorism.

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Education | Просмотров: 730 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

The concept of leadership

(with Prince Al-Walid bin Talal bin Abdulaziz as an example)


Статья посвящена определению лидера

на примере личности принца Аль-Валида

ибн Талала ибн Абделя Азиз ас-Сауда

 Prince Al-Walid bin Talal bin Abdulaziz was not known by many American people until the month anniversary of the attacks that took place on the September 11, 2001. In fact, he was not recognizable to many people outside the Middle East and outside the most important international business circles. Although he was not very famous he was already a successful leader who had many supporters, followers and admirers. By that time he has already done a lot: he had become the sixth richest man in the world and also invested a great part of his fortune into American Corporations. Still until October, 11, 2001 he was someone whom the Business Week called "the most important financial kingpin that you've never heard of” (Business Week). He donated $10 million to the victims of the act of terror. However the Mayor of New York Rudolph Giuliani considered the Prince’s further statement so offensive for American people that returned the donation at once. On the first sight this act was not very wise from the Al-Walid bin Talal’s side, as he might have become rather unpopular.

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History | Просмотров: 909 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

The Illuminati


В статье рассказывается о истории создания тайного общества иллюминатов

                                                             "Man is a god in the making. And as the mystic myths of

Egypt, on the potter's wheel, he is being molded.

    When his light shines out to lift and preserve all things, 

he receives the triple crown of godhood." (Hall, 1996, p. 92)


Nowadays there are a lot of speculations about the Illuminati society. The recent history showed us no other secret society except masons that originated so many rumors, guesswork, fantasies, legends and misinterpretations. People start to believe that they are manipulated or even herded like sheep by some secret society, elite of the world. In order to understand how the matrix of lies was created it is necessary to view the history of the Western civilization.

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History | Просмотров: 779 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

Gerald Manley Hopkins


В статье рассказывается о жизни и творчестве

английского поэта Джеральда Мэнли Хопкинса

 Gerald Manley Hopkins is an outstanding English poet of the 19th century, whose works cannot be overestimated. His contribution to the world’s poetry in particular and to the world’s art in general is immense and boundless. His inspiration was enriched by many things, notions and concepts. Moreover the basis for this inspiration was laid in the early childhood of the future poet. The first influence was made by his parents, who did a lot for their son’s commitment to the creative arts and to religion. Both religion and creative arts were so deeply plunged into Hopkins’ life that they never left it until the death of the poet. His mother liked books very much, so she tried to cultivate her son’s love to books, reading and literature. His father also was closely connected with the world of poetry as he wrote poems himself and studied the works of other poets as well.

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Literature | Просмотров: 873 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

History of American business. Procter and Gamble

 История развития компании Procter and Gamble

 The company Procter and Gamble was founded in 1837 in Cincinnati (USA) by the Englishman William Procter and the Irishman James Gamble (Procter and Gamble - history). First the partners simply made candles and soap, distributing their production in Cincinnati. The validity and the perspective approach to the business allowed them to endure civil war, unprecedented financial, economic and political storms in the USA in the middle of the 19th century. By the end of century it was one of the most advanced American companies. 

By 1890 Procter and Gamble was already selling their production all over the country. They were selling more than 30 various types of soap, including well-known Ivory. The growing demand allowed the company to construct a new factory in Kansas City, and after a while they developed the activity outside the USA (the factory in Ontario, Canada was the first outside affiliate). By the present time Procter and Gamble has branches already more than in 50 countries of the world.

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History | Просмотров: 1170 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

History of American Business. Ford Motors

История развития компании Fors Motors 

In 1872 the son of the Irish immigrant fell from a horse while working at his father’s ranch near the city of Dearborn, Michigan. That day he decided to create a vehicle that would be more reliable, than vehicles using the force of animals. This unhappy horseman was Henry Ford, the man who invented one of the most popular cars in the world (Bellis).

Henry Ford was born in Springfield, Michigan on July, 30th, 1863 (Davis, 2003). He spent his childhood at his parents’ farm where he helped his family and attended a village school. When he was 12 years old Henry equipped a small workshop where he spent all his free time. Right there several years later he designed his first steam engine. In 1879 Henry Ford moved to Detroit where he became an assistant to a machinist. In three years Ford moved to Dearborn and next five years he was engaged in designing and repairing steam engines. In 1891 Ford became an engineer of the Edison Illuminating Company, and in two years he was appointed the chief engineer of the company. The decent salary and abundance of spare time allowed Ford to pay more attention to working out the internal combustion engines. Ford assembled the first internal combustion engine in his kitchen. Soon he decided to put the engine on a frame with four bicycle wheels. So in 1896 quadrocycle appeared - a vehicle which became the first Ford’s car.

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History | Просмотров: 729 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

"The Oresteia" by Aeschylus

Литературный анализ трагедии Эсхилла "Орестея"

    "The Oresteian Trilogy” is a masterpiece of the prominent Greek writer Aeschylus. He presented true dramatic characters in his trilogy. Clytemnestra is one of the brightest characters of "The Oresteian Trilogy”. This character is interpreted as a tool of a demon of the patrimonial damnation. She says about that herself, besides she reminds Orestes of the call of the fate when he intends to kill her. However that does not mean that Clytemnestra is an innocent agent of gods and has no will of her own. On the contrary all her actions are motivated by vital and realistic reasons. She hates her husband and her hatred is boundless. Clytemnestra motivates it by the murder of their daughter by Agamemnon and by his love affair with Cassandra. These arguments are obviously insincere. Thus, Agamemnon did not want to murder their daughter and did it only for the sake of the obedience to the will of gods. Besides love affairs could not be reproached from the point of view of the laws of the Greek morality of those times. It is evident that the reason of Clytemnestra’s hatred towards her husband originates from the other sources...

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Literature | Просмотров: 712 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

Effects of Divorce on Children

В статье рассказывается о влиянии развода родителей на психику ребёнка  

It is difficult to imagine a situation more terrible for a child than his or her parents’ divorce. No matter how strongly can the parents control their behavior, words, emotions, and the whole situation in general, a child suffers in any case. The more troubles accompany the procedure of divorce, the more psychological troubles it may cause. "Divorce is an intensely stressful experience for all children, regardless of age or developmental level; many children are inadequately prepared for the impending divorce by their parents” (Eleoff, 2003). The initial child’s reaction to his or her parents’ decision to separate is usually as follows: a sense of vulnerability while the family is disintegrating, the feeling of grief at a loss of the integrated family, loss of the parent who is non-custodial, a strong feeling of powerlessness.

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Psychology | Просмотров: 1424 | Добавил: prowriter | Дата: 28.01.2012

Doing well on exams

can depend on physical and emotional preparation


В статье рассказывается о влиянии психологического состояния и настроя

на успешный результат при сдаче экзамена

    Taking an exam is a very difficult time for every person. It is a rather stressful event that may cause a person a lot of emotional and physical strain, tension and stress. Some people pass their exams rather easily, as though playing a game. Other people cannot stand exams, as they always feel disappointed, embarrassed and perplexed. This may happen due to various reasons. Sometimes a person is not prepared for his or her examination and therefore feels unsure of everything. But there are cases when our emotional and physical state plays an important part in our success or failure.

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